...But they certainly didn't hold his hand while he crossed the road...
From the Grauniads website and spotted by Old Holborn.... Wonder how long it takes for this little gem to go viral - then inspector knacker is a bit fucked
Speeding on the A20: Case Dismissed!
1 day ago
Fucking shocking stuff.
I have no problems with the average 2-bit anarchist trustafarian type getting a good wiff of CS gas when they've gone kitted-up to a demo and are causing shite, and to quote one Mr Clarkson: "there's nothing funnier than seeing a lesbian being water-cannoned into a gutter". But that was the equivalent of shooting someopne in the back when they were walking away.
Inspector knacker is a bastud
"to quote one Mr Clarkson: "there's nothing funnier than seeing a lesbian being water-cannoned into a gutter".
Is that a fact? I think there is nothing funnier than a middle class, middle aged fat cunt with a perm in an aircraft hanger with 2 other fuckwits going on about cars that their audience if most of them didn't pay the mortgage, eat or look after any kids they had for 20 years might and thats a big might just about afford a third hand one, getting into an uncotrolled skid whilst being filmed and crashing into a concrete wall now that would be worth watching.
No wonder they don't want to be photographed going about their duties...
The Penguin
Not a fan of top gear then are anony??
The victim had, I am told, a Millwall FC top on. I wonder if the copper was trying to get even? As for Clarkson - in many respects he is the absolute top of the wanker tree.
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