.....she came to represent "all that's paltry and wretched about Britain"
Her death is as sad as the death of any young person but it's not the passing of a martyr or a saint
She was brought up on a sink estate, as a child came to know both drugs and crime, was barely educated, ignorant and puerile
Thank fuck someone has broken the ranks of faux mourning and all the bullshit that has accompanied the slow lingering death of a stupid Essex racist. Pity he didn't give a good slagging off to the numpties who were throwing flowers at her funeral waggon at the weekend (hhad the misfortune to catch the "news" on saturday) - but you can't have it all ways...
For some reason I checked out the "speak your branes and was particularly impressed with the comment from "Debbie" who described her as "saint" - fucking deluded retard
And she can't spell "Angel"
Its beyond a parody.
Still I am sure I could think up some joke about right angels and Jade being with the angles right now.
But fuck it the chav is not worth the effort.
She's not....
It's a tough one though - do you mention the useless cow and become a hypocrite by bemoaning the pages of tripe written about her?? Or point out the elements that boil the piss and live with the guilt of actually giving a flying fuck...
Bollocks to it - I'm not writing another post about her again
No its the correct spelling of angle, an obtuse one.
We're not as old or famous as Parky but Old Holborn, Dungeekin, and I all bitch-slapped the ugly cow some time back. Amongst others.
The Penguin
And unlike Parky Penguin; you, OH et al haven't pissed yourselves recently (?)
I still expect some Hoon to propose St Jade of Popadom for beatification at some point. Probably the same twunt that put on the cover of Hello magazine "the nation mourns it's brightest star". Utter, utter Hoon
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