Say hello to Scumbags nomination for todays biggest Hoon - Ed Milliband, brother of that condescending twat David.
Ed likes wind turbines.
Ed likes wind turbines a lot.
Ed has therefore decided that not liking wind turbines should now be "socially unacceptable", or to give this useless little turd ample rope to hang himself with:
"The Government needs to be saying 'It is socially unacceptable to be against wind turbines in your area - like not wearing your seat belt or driving past a zebra crossing.'What the fuck?? The greenies really are getting desperate these days to convince an increasingly skeptical public about the evils of MMCC if they're reduced to this sort of bullshit. And this boy gets a ministerial salary, a whole department, and doubtless a whole army of toaies to tell him what a wonderful man he really is and how he's "making a difference". What a total Hoon.
Just fuck off Ed and take your piss-poor attempts at ramming your opinion down our throats with you