Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Hoon de jour - Ed Milliband

*with apologies for jumping on the Hoon bandwaggon*

Say hello to Scumbags nomination for todays biggest Hoon - Ed Milliband, brother of that condescending twat David.

Ed likes wind turbines.

Ed likes wind turbines a lot.

Ed has therefore decided that not liking wind turbines should now be "socially unacceptable", or to give this useless little turd ample rope to hang himself with:
"The Government needs to be saying 'It is socially unacceptable to be against wind turbines in your area - like not wearing your seat belt or driving past a zebra crossing.'
What the fuck?? The greenies really are getting desperate these days to convince an increasingly skeptical public about the evils of MMCC if they're reduced to this sort of bullshit. And this boy gets a ministerial salary, a whole department, and doubtless a whole army of toaies to tell him what a wonderful man he really is and how he's "making a difference". What a total Hoon.

Just fuck off Ed and take your piss-poor attempts at ramming your opinion down our throats with you

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

The wheels have fallen off Gordons waggon

Absolutely glorious - on the first day of his pre-G20 grandstanding tour, Dan Hannan gives him a good kicking in the EU parliament - genius.

Watch it and laugh

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Monday, 16 March 2009

Most cringeworthy newspaper front page of the day...

I saw this and had to fight down the desire to burn the newspaper stand to the ground

Pob continues her quest to die with no grace what so ever

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Oh happy days...

After match after match of shitty performances, sin-bins and general fuck-ups; this little picture brings the sunshine back

Nothing like a good bit of Kermit bashing to warm the cockles of your heart

Thursday, 12 March 2009

With apologies to Obnoxio The Clown....

I'm going to steal his letter because....

Students have ended their occupation of part of Newcastle University over the plight of Palestinians in Gaza

according to the BBC - problem was that this earth shattering event hadn't even made it outside the university walls (my better half works there and hadn't heard a thing about it).

The students called for a public condemnation of recent Israeli attacks in the region.

A spokesman for the demonstrators said: "The occupation itself has ended at this point because we have been promised that the necessary steps will be taken immediately for our demands to be realised.

"We have no guarantee that our demands will be met, but are confident that the appropriate people will be present at these talks to continue our campaign effectively
What a bunch of naive idealistic morons. I assume they ended the protest when someone called their parents

So Obnoxio's sample letter (reproduced here for all to glory in) is now winging it's way to the inbox of Miss Irene Brown the Head of Fine Art (which I assume is little trinkets and pottery based on this photo)

Dear Miss Brown,

I believe a bunch of posturing idiots have occupied university property in some kind of deranged attempt to attract attention to the Gaza crisis, because, of course, it hasn't dominated the news sufficiently.

Well, I'd like to say that as a taxpayer, I hope you will sling these pompous, overweening fuckwits out on the street as soon as possible. Failing which, if you would care to place them in stocks on the front steps so that we can all come round and throw rotten fruit, eggs and jagged boulders at them for wasting our money, not only on the subsidies we give them, but on the subsidies we give to people who want to study but now cannot.

Since I'm sure that in this limp-wristed age of pandering to the idiotic there will be no such option available to you, I can only offer my fervent hope that all these cunts simultaneously contract face cancer and die lingering deaths.

Yours, etc.

As my old history teacher once said - it's not plagarism if you quote your sources....